Let’s Take a Critical Look at Your Options for Breast Enhancement

When it comes to breast enhancement, there are a number of options available to you.
They’re not all created equal, though, so it’s important to carefully consider each option before you decide.
Even worse, you could experience painful side effects or complications leading to long-term health problems. And, in the worst-case scenario, you could end up with permanently disfigured breasts.
That’s not to mention the shockingly steep bills that can take years to pay off.

Let’s Closely Examine the Most Popular Options Available to You
Over 300,000 women in the United States alone choose to have breast implants each year and to be honest, there's a good reason for their popularity. The results can be dramatic and the improvement is nearly instantaneous.
However, before you take the plunge, consider this: The FDA has emphatically stated that breast implants are not permanent. It may seem shocking, but it's true.
Virtually every woman who undergoes breast implant surgery will end up either having her implants entirely removed or replaced with a new set at some point during her life.
Worse yet, replace them, and you'll have to relive the pain, potential side effects, and expense all over again. But remove them, and you risk permanent changes to your breasts, like dimpling, puckering, wrinkling, or loss of breast tissue.
- Ongoing breast pain
- Hard lumps form around the implant
- Changes in nipple and breast sensation
- An implant ruptures or BURSTS!
- They can migrate and slide around
- Breast cancer becomes harder to detect
- Breast feeding is often no longer an option
Add to this to the $2,500-$5,000 price tag (and remember, they're NOT permanent) and you can see why traditional breast implant surgery is not something to decide on lightly!
Finally, it's important to note that silicone implants have only been available for the past 4 years, following a 14-year ban.
These implants were banned by the FDA in 1992, following concerns that they led to a number of serious health problems, including cancer and lupus.
Only 2 companies are authorized to manufacture silicone breast implants today, and both are required to complete 10-year studies on their safety.
Fat transfer augmentation is a fairly new procedure that is currently being hyped as "the next big thing" in breast enhancement. But it’s based on an earlier procedure that was banned in the 80s due to poor results.
During fat transfer augmentation, the surgeon liposuctions fat cells from your body, usually your buttocks or thighs, and then injects that fat back into your breast tissue. The goal is to give you a fuller, more shapely look that is more natural than implants and is also permanent.
Early results seem promising, with the typical woman increasing her breast size by up to one full cup. However, there are side effects. These include uneven skin texture, infection, abscess, excessive bleeding, and scarring.
There is also a risk that the fat may appear uneven in different areas, giving an asymmetrical appearance. Worse, if fat is injected into two or more areas, some patients may have asymmetry where the fat appears uneven in different areas.
Finally, there is some indication that this procedure could cause false positives during mammograms, as the injected fat can sometimes take on the appearance of a tumor. While this procedure certainly holds some appeal, the cost is extremely prohibitive. That’s because you have to pay for liposuction and breast augmentation simultaneously, so the price tag can easily hit $5,000 to $10,000 or more.
It’s also important to note that since this procedure is still new, no studies exist of the long-term health risks.
The breast enlargement pump is the dinosaur of the enhancement industry, being one of the oldest and most cumbersome options for women.
A breast enlargement pump is just that: A plastic dome that fits over the breast with a suction tube leading from it that creates a vacuum, placing pressure on the breast.
While this is certainly one of the more affordable breast enhancement options, these systems are extremely inconvenient and uncomfortable to use. In addition, they can cause extensive bruising and scaling of the breasts. Also, the results they produce range from non-existent to mediocre.
In fact, this approach is so ineffective that, of all the pumps on the market today, only one is approved by the FDA. And for that one to produce any results at all, you need to wear it 10 hours per day, for 10 weeks.
That's 700 hours over nearly three months stuck at home with plastic domes and pumps attached to your breasts. Worst of all, for the “privilege” of this extreme inconvenience, you have to pay $2,500.
Yes, these are the old standbys: The padded bra and silicone insert. But, there's nothing natural or permanent about enhancing your breasts this way.
These are nothing more than a cosmetic quick-fix, and let's face it, you want to feel confident and sexy both in your clothes and out of them.
With so many costs and health risks associated with other breast enhancement options, many women are now actively seeking natural solutions.
The problem is, there are easily 100+ creams and supplements you can buy on the Internet today advertised as "Natural Breast Enhancers.” The reality is, hardly any of these base their formulations on medical science, and even fewer conduct clinical trials and human studies.
That's why we're proud to offer a comprehensive and natural alternative for women who want to enjoy a curvier figure without the surgery.
The Two-Step Daily Breast Enhancement Therapy System
Here at Total Curve®, we believe that all women deserve to feel confident and sexy with more youthful-looking and feeling breasts without putting their health and lives at risk with extreme and expensive surgeries.
Total Curve is a comprehensive breast rejuvenation system that works in unison to improve your overall breast health and appearance from the inside out.
Simply use the Total Curve System daily and over the next 60 days watch as it begins delivering vital cell-plumping action directly to your breast tissues. The results are possible with:
Volufiline™, which we include in the Lifting and Firming Gel has been proven in both clinical studies and a human trial to increase breast size by up to 8.4% in less than 60 days.
Add to that the natural phytoestrogens in the Daily Supplement that safely mimic estrogen. They naturally produce a mastogenic effect, similar to the breast swelling many women experience during pregnancy or the week leading up to their menstrual cycle.

100% Satisfaction
Please try our products for 67 days and if for any reason you are not completely satisfied simply return the unused portion in the original container within 67 days of receiving your order (60 days + one week return shipping), and we will refund you 100% of the product purchase price, excluding shipping & handling.